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Dragon Models 1:400 Aerospace Program 56238
ULA Delta II Rocket Diecast Model
NASA, w/Launch Tower

1:400 Scale   Length   Width
ULA Delta II Rocket   4"   0.5"

The USA planned to phase out all expendable launch vehicles (ELV) after the Space Shuttle entered service. However, the Challenger accident of 1986 changed all that, and the Delta program was restarted. Termed Delta II, these rockets have made nearly 150 successful launches since 1989, making it the most reliable system in service. Originally built by McDonnell Douglas, production for both US government and commercial entities is now the responsibility of United Launch Alliance (ULA).

As an ELV, each rocket can only be launched once. A Delta II rocket consists of Stage I tanks, solid rocket boosters, interstage, Stage II tanks, optional Stage III rocket motor, and finally the payload fairing (nose cone). Among the Delta II's missions are the launching of GPS Block II satellites, Iridium satellites, and several Mars missions for NASA. The latter includes the Mars Phoenix lander in 2007. The future of the Delta II space rocket is uncertain beyond 2011 once the Medium Launch Vehicle 3 contract with the US Air Force expires, but despite this it has proved a hugely successful design to date.

ULA Delta II Rocket

The Delta rocket is a general purpose expendable launch vehicle that was first flown on May 13th, 1960. The first Delta rockets were modified from the PGM-17 Thor ballistic missile. By using a tried-and-tested missile system, the Delta rockets proved a reliable means of launching satellites while more advanced launch vehicles were developed. More than 300 Delta rockets have been launched, with a 95% success rate. The complete Delta family spans, in increasing size and power, from the Delta I thru Delta IV. The Delta II and Delta IV systems are still in use today.

© Copyright 2003-2025 The Flying Mule, Inc.

Dragon Models 1:400 Aerospace Program

The Dragon Models "Aerospace Program" range presents detailed, ready-made diecast models of spacecraft and launch vehicles.

Dragon Models "Aerospace Program" diecast model spacecraft feature:

  • Diecast metal construction with some plastic components.
  • Realistic panel lines, antennas, access panels and surface details.
  • Pad printed markings and placards that won't fade or peel like decals.

© Copyright 2003-2025 The Flying Mule, Inc.

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