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Dragon Models 1:72 Warbirds 50116
Republic P-47D Thunderbolt Diecast Model
USAAF 15th FG, 47th FS, "The Turnip Termites"

1:72 Scale   Length   Width
Republic P-47D Thunderbolt   6"   6.75"

Nicknamed "JUG", the P-47D was one of the most important and most produced fighters of the American Air Force during the WWII. Although the P-47D was the largest and heaviest single-seat aircraft to see service in the Second World War, it became a high speed and high altitude capable fighter when powered by the huge 2000hp Pratt & Whitney R-2800 "Double Wasp" engine and a unique supercharging system. Shaped with a sharp upper ridge, the early types of P-47D were given a name "Razorback". During the war, the Razorbacks served as striking fighters and sometimes escort fighters of the allied bombers when conducting raids over Germany.

The 47th Fighter Squadron was activated Dec. 1, 1940, as the 47th Pursuit Squadron, one of three squadrons assigned to the 15th Pursuit Group, Wheeler Field, Territory of Hawaii. The squadron also flew missions from Hawaiian stations of Bellows, Haleiwa and Mokuleia Fields, as well as Barking Sands.

The 47th Pursuit Squadron participated in numerous campaigns from 1940 to 1945, flying P-10, P-26, P-36, P-47 and P-51 aircraft. The squadron was inactivated Oct. 15, 1946, at Wheeler Field.

Currently, the 47th Tactical Fighter Squadron, under the 917th Tactical Fighter Group at Barksdale AFB, La. On Oct. 7, 1996, the 47th's mission officially changed from combat to A-10 pilot training. The school currently graduates about 40 active-duty, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve students per year.

Republic P-47D Thunderbolt

Designed by Alexander Kartveli meeting a USAAC requirement for a heavy fighter, the P-47 was first flown on May 6th, 1941. Later models featured a "bubble-top" canopy rather than the sharply peaked "razorback" fuselage which resulted in poor visibility for the aircraft's pilot. The P-47, a deadly pursuit aircraft, featured 8 x 12.7mm machine guns; all mounted in the wings. Even with the complicated turbosupercharger system, the sturdy airframe and tough radial engine, the P-47 ("Jug" or "Juggernaut" as it was nicknamed) could absorb damage and still return home. Built in greater quantities than any other US fighter, the P-47 was the heaviest single-engine WWII fighter and the first piston-powered fighter to exceed 500 mph.

© Copyright 2003-2025 The Flying Mule, Inc.

The Dragon Wings P-47 mold allows the "razorback" and "bubble-top" canopy styles with separate castings for each fuselage. This finely crafted model includes many details, such as an opening canopy that reveals a fully detailed cockpit with pad-printed instruments and side panels. The flaps are hinged and moveable, which is uncommon in 1:72 scale. The carefully-applied paint schemes bring out the subtleties of panel lines, rivets and control surface details. Pad-printed unit markings and finely detailed placards complete this historically accurate model.

© Copyright 2003-2013 The Flying Mule, Inc.

Dragon Models 1:72 Warbirds

The Dragon Models "Dragon Wings 1:72 Warbirds Series" range presents highly-detailed, ready-made diecast models of military aircaft.

Dragon Models "Dragon Wings 1:72 Warbirds Series" diecast airplanes feature:

  • Diecast metal construction with some plastic components.
  • Realistic panel lines, antennas, access panels and surface details.
  • Pad printed markings and placards that won't fade or peel like decals.
  • Opening canopies, revealing detailed cockpit interiors.
  • Selected moveable control surfaces.
  • Interchangeable extended/retracted landing gear.
  • Presentation stand to display the aircraft "in flight".
  • Authentic detachable ordnance loads complete with placards.
  • Accurately detailed underside with concealed screwheads.

© Copyright 2003-2025 The Flying Mule, Inc.

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