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Code: CG-US33817    Add to wishlist
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Corgi Aviation Archive Legends US33817
Republic P-47D Thunderbolt Diecast Model
USAAF 362nd FG, 377th FS, "Shirley Jane III", Edwin Fisher, Lignerolles, France, 1944

1:72 Scale   Length   Width
Republic P-47D Thunderbolt   6"   6.75"

Credited with seven German fighters destroyed, Ed Fisher was one of only three aces created by the 362nd FG. He claimed five victories flying P-47D razorbacks before gaining his final two kills (both Bf109s) in this machine on August 9, 1944. Despite being officially credited with four Fw 190s and three Bf109s destroyed, the tally carefully painted onto 42-26919 shows four Fw 190s, one Bf109 and two Bf110s, as well as three V1s. Fisher's groundcrew also meticulously recorded his strafing sorties against road transport and trains, with shallow dive-bombing missions and fighter sweeps all listed separately. This aircraft failed to return from a mission to Elmersdorf in October 1944.

Republic P-47D Thunderbolt

Designed by Alexander Kartveli meeting a USAAC requirement for a heavy fighter, the P-47 was first flown on May 6th, 1941. Later models featured a "bubble-top" canopy rather than the sharply peaked "razorback" fuselage which resulted in poor visibility for the aircraft's pilot. The P-47, a deadly pursuit aircraft, featured 8 x 12.7mm machine guns; all mounted in the wings. Even with the complicated turbosupercharger system, the sturdy airframe and tough radial engine, the P-47 ("Jug" or "Juggernaut" as it was nicknamed) could absorb damage and still return home. Built in greater quantities than any other US fighter, the P-47 was the heaviest single-engine WWII fighter and the first piston-powered fighter to exceed 500 mph.

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Corgi's 1:72 scale P-47 series includes both the "razorback" and "bubble-top" canopy styles, with separate castings for each fuselage. The models in this series are constructed almost entirely of diecast metal with only the smallest amount of plastic used. Details of the radial engine and air intake are visible inside the oval engine cowling. The turbo-supercharger exhaust vent and separately applied intercooler exit doors are nicely detailed at the rear of the fuselage. Each release in the series includes different weapons ordnance or external fuel tanks. The four staggered machine gun barrels that protrude from each of the wings' leading edges are constructed of rigid plastic, and there are shell casing vents below each wing.

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Corgi Aviation Archive Legends

The Corgi "Legends" range presents affordable, ready-made diecast models of military and civilian aircraft.

Corgi "Legends" diecast airplanes feature:

  • Diecast metal construction with some plastic components.
  • Realistic panel lines, antennas, access panels and surface details.
  • Pad printed markings and placards that won't fade or peel like decals.
  • Permanently extended landing gear with rotating wheels.
  • Presention stand to display the aircraft "in flight".
  • Detailed pilot and crew member figures.
  • Authentic ordnance loads complete with placards.

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