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Code: TC-13315-S6    Add to wishlist
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Algo 1:32 Ultimate Soldier 13315-S6
North American P-51B Mustang Display Model
USAAF 4th FG, 336th FS, #43-6913 Shangri-La, Don Gentile, RAF Debden, England, March 1944

1:32 Scale   Length   Width
North American P-51B Mustang   12"   14"

Don Gentile had claimed 21.8 aerial and six ground strafing kills by April 1944. This tally prompted Gen. Eisenhower to sub him a "one-man air force." Trained in Canada after being rejected by the USAAC, Gentile claimed his first kill with the RAF in Spitfires. He then scored two in USAAF spitfires and four in P-47s, before converting onto the P-51 and claiming an additional 15.5 up to April 13, 1944. The majority of his claims came in this aircraft, which became one of the best-known P-51s of the Eighth Air Force in WII. It was written off at the end of Gentile's last mission n April 13, 1944. He clipped the ground at Debden while eating up the airfield for the attending press, who had gathered to welcome him back from his final sortie. The aircraft broke its back in the resulting crash-landing. Gentile as subsequently killed in a post-war flying accident.

North American P-51B Mustang

Designed to meet an RAF requirement for fighter-bomber and reconnaissance aircraft, the P-51 Mustang was first flown on October 26th, 1940. This versatile aircraft was capable of escorting bombers on long-range missions, engaging in dogfights, and dropping down to destroy German targets on the ground. At least eight versions of the P-51 were produced, but it was the definitive P-51D that gave the Mustang its classic warbird appearance. Britain and the US both tested the airframe with the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, which gave the aircraft tremendous performance gains. The Truman Senate War Investigating Committee called the Mustang "the most aerodynamically perfect pursuit plane in existence."

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Algo 1:32 Ultimate Soldier

The Algo Enterprises/21st Century Toys "Ultimate Soldier 32X Xtreme Wings" range presents highly-detailed, ready-made plastic models of military aircraft in 1:32 scale.

Algo "Ultimate Soldier 32X" display airplanes feature:

  • Molded plastic construction.
  • Realistic panel lines, antennas, access panels and surface details.
  • Pad printed markings and placards that won't fade or peel like decals.
  • Opening canopies, revealing detailed cockpit interiors.
  • Functional extending/retracting landing gear.
  • Authentic detachable ordnance loads complete with placards.

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