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Code: SM-SM5001    Add to wishlist
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SkyMax Flying Heroes SM5001
Aichi D3A1 Kanbaku/Val Diecast Model
IJNAS, BI-231, IJN Carrier Soryu, Ceylon, 1942

1:72 Scale   Length   Width
Aichi D3A1 Kanbaku/Val   5.5"   7.75"

The Aichi D3A "Val" was a World War II dive bomber produced by the Aichi company in Japan. It was the primary carrier-borne dive bomber in the Imperial Japanese Navy in the early stages of the war, and participated in almost all actions, including Pearl Harbor.

Aichi D3A1 Kanbaku/Val

Designed to meet an Imperial Japanase Navy requirement for a carrier-based dive bomber, the D3A was first flown in January, 1938. The Val was a fixed-gear dive bomber, but it had better maneuverability than similar aircraft. It was stable but lightly armored-a short burst from heavy machine guns could easily destroy it. Armed with two forward-firing 7.7 mm machine guns, one flexible 7.7 mm machine gun in the rear cockpit, one 550 lb bomb under the fuselage and two 130 lb bombs on wing racks, the Val is perhaps best known for the part it played in the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

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Sky Max's 1:72 scale D3A1 Val is constructed using modern manufacturing techniques and features exceptionally crisp panel lines and near-seamless construction. The large bird-cage canopy is removable, providing an unobstructed view of the pad printed dials and gauges, control stick and pilot and gunner seats. Two machine gun ports and the radial engine's cylinder head can be seen behind the thin, three-bladed propeller. The center-mounted 250kg bomb with delicate fins and swing arms, engine exhaust and tail hook are separately attached. The wing has diecast metal spatted wheels, dive breaks, and (on some releases) an under-wing mounted 60kg bomb.

© Copyright 2003-2013 The Flying Mule, Inc.

SkyMax Flying Heroes

The SkyMax "Flying Heroes" range presents detailed, ready-made diecast models of military aircraft. SkyMax offer the more price-sensitive collector a cheaper alternative to models from leading manufacturers like Corgi and Century Wings.

SkyMax"Flying Heroes" diecast airplanes feature:

  • Diecast metal construction with some plastic components.
  • Realistic panel lines, antennas, access panels and surface details.
  • Pad printed markings and placards that won't fade or peel like decals.
  • Interchangeable extended/retracted landing gear.

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