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Code: GJ-GALFT2007    Add to wishlist
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GeminiJets Gemini Aces GALFT2007
North American P-51B Mustang Diecast Model
Luftwaffe Rosarius Circus, Wunstorf Airfield, Germany, 1944, Captured Aircraft

Limited Edition
Pieces Worldwide

1:72 Scale   Length   Width
North American P-51B Mustang   5.25"   6.25"

The P-51 Mustang has to be one of the most beautiful aircraft ever produced. It was developed following a British request for a New Fighter in 1940, made to the newly formed North American Aviation Company. Initial engine problems plagued the design, but the combination of the Mustang and a Rolls Royce Merlin Engine proved a revelation. The aircraft was transformed into the Worlds most potent fighting machine, possessing speed, endurance, and firepower.

The USAAF now had the ability to escort its Bombers deep into Germany, and the Mustang ensured the Allies gained Air Superiority. It also accounted for more Enemy aircraft 'kills' in Europe than any other type, as overwhelming numbers systematically destroyed the Luftwaffe's ability to fight!

During the Second World War, both the Allied and Axis air forces had huge interest in the aircraft operated by their adversaries. Downed enemy aircraft that could be repaired and returned to the air, then evaluated against their own aircraft, were highly prized by both sides. In Germany, the Luftwaffe high command had a dedicated trials and research unit (Versuchsverband), which was formed to assess and demonstrate the capabilities of captured Allied aircraft. Aircrafts operated by the unit included P-51 Mustangs, a P-38 Lightning, P-47 Thunderbolts, Spitfires, Mosquitos, and a Hawker Typhoon. These machines were extremely distinctive - they had to clearly display their new ownership to other German Units!

The unit was under the command of Theodor "Ted" Rosarius, who was charged with establishing his Enemy Aircraft Evaluation Flight in 1934. These fabulously presented and highly prized aircraft toured front line Luftwaffe fighter stations, allowing pilots an opportunity to see their adversaries close up, and to discuss the flight characteristics with their comrades. Known affectionately as the "Wanderzirkus Rosarius", a vist from the zirkus and its latest acquisition was cause for great excitement!

The Zirkus Rosarius operated this beautiful P-51B Mustang throughout the spring and summer of 1944, although no specific information exists regarding its original USAAF identity, or its eventual fate. There is, however, clear evidence of the machine and its time with the Wandersirkus, and it makes a fantastic subject for this latest Gemini Aces release!

North American P-51B Mustang

Designed to meet an RAF requirement for fighter-bomber and reconnaissance aircraft, the P-51 Mustang was first flown on October 26th, 1940. This versatile aircraft was capable of escorting bombers on long-range missions, engaging in dogfights, and dropping down to destroy German targets on the ground. At least eight versions of the P-51 were produced, but it was the definitive P-51D that gave the Mustang its classic warbird appearance. Britain and the US both tested the airframe with the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, which gave the aircraft tremendous performance gains. The Truman Senate War Investigating Committee called the Mustang "the most aerodynamically perfect pursuit plane in existence."

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Gemini's 1:72 scale P-51B Mustang is constructed using more diecast metal than most other models on the market today. Metal details include an all metal propeller and spinner hub—uncommon features in this scale—metal exhaust stacks, a solid metal antenna, metal main landing gear that is both pinned and keyed for proper ground display and moveable flaps and rudders with metal hinges. There is also high-quality rivet and panel detail on the wings and fuselage, and two types of removable wing-mounted fuel tanks.

© Copyright 2003-2013 The Flying Mule, Inc.

GeminiJets Gemini Aces

The GeminiJets "Gemini Aces" range presents highly-detailed, ready-made diecast models of military aircraft.

GeminiJets "Gemini Aces" diecast airplanes feature:

  • Diecast metal construction with minimal use of plastic components.
  • Realistic panel lines, antennas, access panels and surface details.
  • Pad printed markings and placards that won't fade or peel like decals.
  • Detailed cockpit interiors.
  • Selected moveable control surfaces.
  • Interchangeable extended/retracted landing gear with rotating wheels.
  • Metal presentation stand to display the aircraft "in flight".
  • Authentic ordnance loads complete with placards.
  • Photo-etched, spinning metal propellers.
  • Accurately detailed underside with concealed screwheads.

© Copyright 2003-2024 The Flying Mule, Inc.

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